Peaceful Toddler 2022
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Peaceful Toddler Course!
Pay in full - $597
Best Value
Eliminate Confusion and Guilt… and Learn to Respond with Confidence and Calm
What if there was an approach that would reduce your toddler’s meltdowns and tantrums, and encourage your toddler to be cheerful and cooperative? That would eliminate your confusion and guilt because you’d know how to respond to any challenging behavior with confidence and calm, instead of just winging it and hoping for the best. Would you want to learn this approach?
Then, I’d love to have you join me in the Peaceful Toddler Course.

I’m Deborah Carlisle Solomon
and I’ve been teaching parents of toddlers, age 1-3, how to establish peaceful relationships with their children for 20 years. I’m an infant/toddler specialist, author of “Baby Knows Best: Raising a Confident and Resourceful Child, the RIE® Way,” was RIE Executive Director for eight years, and I’ve taught hundreds of parents all over the world.

Build a Deeper Connection with Your Toddler

When you learn this approach, you’ll know how to resolve challenging behavior. Your toddler will feel more peaceful inside, so their behavior will be more peaceful. You’ll build a deeper connection with your toddler, so you can enjoy the precious early years before they’re behind you, and your days will be more fun and care-free.

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When I first became a parent, I thought, “How hard can parenting be?,” so I relied solely on my intuition. And that worked really well, until it didn’t. Until there was something, some kind of challenge that I had no idea how to respond to effectively. 

And it all started with thinking to myself that I needed to learn more, that I couldn’t continue to rely on my pretty good intuition and seeking answers from books (this was pre-social media!). After all, people take classes to learn how to drive a car. So, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take a class or two to learn how to parent, to make parenting easier and more enjoyable? 

This Approach Can Help Your Toddler Too
You may be thinking, “Can this approach help with my child?” and the answer is, “Yes, it can.” I’ve worked with hundreds of families on four continents, in very different cultures. And the thing is, that while each child is wonderfully unique and each family is too, we’re all human beings and as human beings, there are common truths we all share. What I teach can bring greater understanding and peacefulness to any family and it can do the same for yours. 
As a parent, it’s great to gather ideas and learn about theory. But the trick is… how to put theory into practice, how to know where to even start. When you can respond to your toddler with clarity and confidence, it makes all the difference. You feel it and your child feels it. And when that happens, guess what?! You help your toddler to learn, challenging behavior is reduced, and life is a lot more peaceful. Those struggles that went on and on don’t happen anymore because you know how to respond to your toddler effectively.
As a parent, it’s great to gather ideas and learn about theory. But the trick is… how to put theory into practice, how to know where to even start. When you can respond to your toddler with clarity and confidence, it makes all the difference. You feel it and your child feels it. And when that happens, guess what?! You help your toddler to learn, challenging behavior is reduced, and life is a lot more peaceful. Those struggles that went on and on don’t happen anymore because you know how to respond to your toddler effectively.
When I think about the seismic shift that can happen in a parent’s understanding and abilities, I think about one of my students who was really struggling with her two and a half-year-old son. He was getting out of bed multiple times every night after she’d said goodnight to him... asking for a drink of water, for something to eat or just to see what she was doing. By the time she contacted me, he was doing this for an hour and a half every night. She was exhausted and angry, and she felt guilty because she lost her temper. She’d tried all sorts of tactics, but nothing worked and she was at the end of her rope. But then she practiced what I taught her and by the third night, she said goodnight to her son and he stayed in bed until the morning. It wasn’t magic. She finally understood what her son really needed, and she used concrete steps to help him get there.
When I think about the seismic shift that can happen in a parent’s understanding and abilities, I think about one of my students who was really struggling with her two and a half-year-old son. He was getting out of bed multiple times every night after she’d said goodnight to him... asking for a drink of water, for something to eat or just to see what she was doing. By the time she contacted me, he was doing this for an hour and a half every night. She was exhausted and angry, and she felt guilty because she lost her temper. She’d tried all sorts of tactics, but nothing worked and she was at the end of her rope. But then she practiced what I taught her and by the third night, she said goodnight to her son and he stayed in bed until the morning. It wasn’t magic. She finally understood what her son really needed, and she used concrete steps to help him get there.
Set Limits with Confidence
and Kindness: No Bribing
or Time Outs

My program has helped parents to set limits confidently and kindly, without any bribing or time outs. It’s helped parents to eliminate chaotic mealtime behavior and to know what to do when their child rejects the food they’ve prepared for them. It’s helped parents know what to do when their toddler hits or pushes or intentionally does something they’re not supposed to do. It’s helped parents to become comfortable with their child’s crying and upset, and to know how best to respond when their child whines or has a tantrum.
Establish Good Habits Now and Reap the Benefits Well Beyond Toddlerhood
You may be experiencing behavior challenges with your toddler or just thinking there’s an area where things could likely improve. In either case, the Peaceful Toddler Course will help you know how to respond calmly and confidently to your child and to establish good habits. And when you establish good habits in the early years, it makes the teen years much, much easier. So, you’ll reap the benefits well beyond your child’s first three years.
Set Limits with Confidence
and Kindness: No Bribing
or Time Outs

My program has helped parents to set limits confidently and kindly, without any bribing or time outs. It’s helped parents to eliminate chaotic mealtime behavior and to know what to do when their child rejects the food they’ve prepared for them. It’s helped parents know what to do when their toddler hits or pushes or intentionally does something they’re not supposed to do. It’s helped parents to become comfortable with their child’s crying and upset, and to know how best to respond when their child whines or has a tantrum.
Establish Good Habits Now and Reap the Benefits Well Beyond Toddlerhood
You may be experiencing behavior challenges with your toddler or just thinking there’s an area where things could likely improve. In either case, the Peaceful Toddler Course will help you know how to respond calmly and confidently to your child and to establish good habits. And when you establish good habits in the early years, it makes the teen years much, much easier. So, you’ll reap the benefits well beyond your child’s first three years.
3 Online Training Modules
Plus 12 Coaching Calls

When you join the Peaceful Toddler Course, you get 3 recorded training modules where I teach and where you’ll see videos of me setting limits with toddlers… so you can see the approach in action. I've provided a full transcript for each video, so you can just relax and watch. You’ll also get worksheets and cheat sheets to help you practice. The course is divided into 3 modules and each module is broken down into shorter "chapters" where I will teach you why challenging behaviors happen, how to prevent them, and how to confidently set limits to help your toddler learn to behave peacefully and cooperatively.
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And after the program is over, you’ll still have access to the videos, worksheets and cheat sheets for a year, so you can go back over the material at your leisure. The ability to take your time to review what’s most important to you is significant because it will help you to solidify what you’re learning… and that, I think, is priceless because it’s how you create long-lasting habits.
Do You Struggle to Figure Out How to Apply Parenting Concepts with Your Toddler?
That’s the benefit of the 12 Coaching Calls, where you’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions and discover what adjustments you can make to get positive results. Even when you don’t have a question of your own, you’ll learn from listening to other parents’ questions and you’ll hear how other toddler parents have similar struggles. And if you can't make the Coaching Calls, you can send me your question in advance and I'll answer it on the call. The Coaching Calls will be recorded, so you can listen at your convenience.
The bottom line is that I’m going to cover a lot of ground and you’re going to have concrete tools – not just theory – so you’ll know how to confidently respond to any kind of challenging behavior. Because understanding something theoretically isn’t enough. You have to learn how to put theory into practice. And you have to learn what’s most important to give your attention to, how to connect the dots.
My goal is to take you beyond just understanding theoretically, and right into action, into the practice. So, I’m going to give you simple homework each week that’s designed to help you internalize what you’re learning, so that you feel confident in your parenting.  
Course details…
The course modules are constructed with your parenting life in mind, so you can avoid overwhelm, build on what you learn each week and ensure that you get the support you need along the way.

Here’s a summary of each module…
Module 1
Setting the Stage for Success: How to prevent challenging behavior
Learn three simple steps that will help you to stay in sync with your toddler, so you can encourage peaceful, cooperative behavior
Find out how to connect with your toddler through caregiving, so you can fill their emotional cup
Explore your role as your toddler’s teacher and guide, so you can set limits with empathy and love
Includes: Parent Self-Reflection Worksheet, Go Slow/Tell/Pause Cheat Sheet and Practice Planning Worksheet, 6 Steps to Connect Through Caregiving Cheat Sheet
Bonus Video: Easing Crying and Upset
Module 2
There’s No Such Thing as Naughty: Why challenging behavior happens and why it persists
Reframe “bad behavior” to understand why it happens, so you avoid expecting what your toddler can’t deliver and so you respond most effectively
Discover the 7 most common challenging behavior triggers, so you know what to do to prevent them and how to help your toddler when they happen
Learn how to support your upset toddler, so they feel acknowledged and understood, and are empowered to look for their own solutions
Includes: Big Life Events Worksheet, Behavior Detective Worksheet
Bonus Video: Transitions: Learning to shift smoothly from one activity to another
Module 2
There’s No Such Thing as Naughty: Why challenging behavior happens and why it persists
Reframe “bad behavior” to understand why it happens, so you avoid expecting what your toddler can’t deliver and so you respond most effectively
Discover the 7 most common challenging behavior triggers, so you know what to do to prevent them and how to help your toddler when they happen
Learn how to support your upset toddler, so they feel acknowledged and understood, and are empowered to look for their own solutions
Includes: Big Life Events Worksheet, Behavior Detective Worksheet
Bonus Video: Transitions: Learning to shift smoothly from one activity to another
Module 3
From Conflict to Cooperation: What to do about challenging behavior
Learn 7 simple steps you can use whenever challenging behaviors happen, so you can reduce conflict and increase cooperation
Discover how to effectively respond to hitting, pushing, biting, whining and tantrums, so you can feel confident and calm and help your toddler to learn
Uncover why your limits may not be sticking, so you can respond to your toddler with confidence, clarity and consistency
Includes: 7 Simple Steps to Calm and Cooperation Cheat Sheet
Module 3
From Conflict to Cooperation: What to do about challenging behavior
Learn 7 simple steps you can use whenever challenging behaviors happen, so you can reduce conflict and increase cooperation
Discover how to effectively respond to hitting, pushing, biting, whining and tantrums, so you can feel confident and calm and help your toddler to learn
Uncover why your limits may not be sticking, so you can respond to your toddler with confidence, clarity and consistency
Includes: 7 Simple Steps to Calm and Cooperation Cheat Sheet
Plus, These Special Bonuses to
Make Your Parenting Life Easier

Bonus #1
Easing Crying and Upset
Training Video

In this video, you’ll learn how you respond to your toddler’s crying and upset affects how long it lasts and whether there’s residual upset that comes out later in the form of irritability or a stomachache or uncooperative behavior. What I’ll teach you removes a lot of pressure that parents sometimes feel when their child gets upset. When you feel less pressure about your child’s crying and upset... when you let go of “I have to fix this,” you’ll be more effective in helping your child to calm and feel better. 
Bonus #2
Transitions: Learning to Shift from One Activity to Another Training Video
It takes practice for toddlers to be able to shift gears, so they can move smoothly from one activity to the next… whether it’s shifting from having fun playing at the park to going home, from playtime to mealtime or something else. In this video, I’ll teach you how to make these transitions a whole lot easier.
Bonus #3
Toilet Learning
Can Be Simple and Straightforward

Toddlers don't need to be trained to use the toilet. When they're ready, they learn easily. When you understand the signs of physical and emotional readiness, you'll know what to look for and when to begin the process, so you can put away diapers during the day, for naps and overnight too. In this pdf, I'll show you how to plan ahead for success, what readiness signs to look for and how to support your toddler to learn.
Bonus Mini Course Included. FREE!
*Get Instant Access When You Register*
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Your Toddler’s Play Space and Toys Mini Course: I’ll teach you how to take a fresh look at your toddler’s play space and toys, to ensure that both are working for you rather than contributing to conflicts and chaotic behavior.

You’ll get a training video, along with a Childproofing Resource List, Toy Inventory Assessment and Toy Resource List, with lots of ideas for simple and inexpensive toddler toys.

Curious If I’ll Address Your Toddler
Parenting Challenge?

I’ll address all these and more:





Sibling struggles

Tears and tantrums

Big (irrational) feelings

Demanding behavior

Impulsive behavior

Uncooperative behavior

Getting up from table at mealtime 


Bedtime struggles


Throwing what shouldn't be thrown

Messages from my students…
Studying with Deborah has had a huge impact on my life, made our home life and communication much less stressful, and equipped us with tools, knowledge, and the ability to set realistic expectations. Above all, it has shown me a new way to view parenting. It was truly life-changing and has brought so much joy and perhaps most importantly, confidence to me as a parent. Deborah is a gifted teacher, kind, compassionate, and non-judgmental. If you have a chance to work with her, don't hesitate, you will not regret it!
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Inga Thorarinsdottir
Reykjavík, Iceland
It’s amazing how I feel more confident, more peaceful and more hopeful. I got a real paradigm shift, a real mindset shift, a real change of vision of what respectful parenting could be. I know what it sounds like, what it feels like, what it looks like and I have a clearer understanding of what it can be. Now I get to carry that around with me as I come to each day, problem-solving the challenges or the sweet moments that day brings. I can apply what I learned in each unique situation and I know how to be responsive in the moment. I truly owe it to Deborah to parent in this way. Studying with Deborah transformed my relationship with my child.   
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Brittany Lipscomb
New York, New York
Studying with Deborah has had a huge impact on my life, made our home life and communication much less stressful, and equipped us with tools, knowledge, and the ability to set realistic expectations. Above all, it has shown me a new way to view parenting. It was truly life-changing and has brought so much joy and perhaps most importantly, confidence to me as a parent. Deborah is a gifted teacher, kind, compassionate, and non-judgmental. If you have a chance to  work with her, don't hesitate, you  will not regret it!
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Inga Thorarinsdottir
Reykjavík, Iceland
It’s amazing how I feel more confident, more peaceful and more hopeful. I got a real paradigm shift, a real mindset shift, a real change of vision of what respectful parenting could be. I know what it sounds like, what it feels like, what it looks like and I have a clearer understanding of what it can be. Now I get to carry that around with me as I come to each day, problem-solving the challenges or the sweet moments that day brings. I can apply what I learned in each unique situation and I know how to be responsive in the moment. I truly owe it to Deborah to parent in this way. Studying with Deborah transformed my relationship with my child.
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Brittany Lipscomb
New York, New York
What I learned from Deborah profoundly impacted my parenting and it went far beyond all my expectations. I gained an immeasurable amount learning from Deborah's vast breadth of knowledge, immense experience, and thoughtful insights. Yet no less meaningful to me was the way in which Deborah led the course, with such grace, sensitivity, warmth, and passion, which I found truly inspiring. She managed to create an intimate and elevated space for us participants from across the globe to come together, learn, and grow in.  
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Ilanit Greenwald
Tel Aviv, Israel
I took Deborah’s course because my daughter was biting, and I didn’t know what to do to make her stop. The course helped me to understand why she was biting and what I could do to prevent it. I now have the tools to know how to respond to challenging behaviors, so I can stay calm and help my daughter to learn.
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Rebecca Lovitz-Ortega
Fairfield, Maine
What I learned from Deborah profoundly impacted my parenting and it went far beyond all my expectations. I gained an immeasurable amount learning from Deborah's vast breadth of knowledge, immense experience, and thoughtful insights. Yet no less meaningful to me was the way in which Deborah led the course, with such grace, sensitivity, warmth, and passion, which I found truly inspiring. She managed to create an intimate and elevated space for us participants from across the globe to come together, learn, and grow in.  
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Ilanit Greenwald
Tel Aviv, Israel
I took Deborah’s course because my daughter was biting, and I didn’t know what to do to make her stop. The course helped me to understand why she was biting and what I could do to prevent it. I now have the tools to know how to respond to challenging behaviors, so I can stay calm and help my daughter to learn.
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Rebecca Lovitz-Ortega
Fairfield, Maine
Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course begin?

  • The Peaceful Toddler course begins Monday, January 24 when Module 1 will be available in your learning portal. Module 2 will be available on January 31 and Module 3 will be available on February 7. 

Why aren't the three modules made available all at once? 

  • The modules are made available weekly, so you have time to practice what you're learning.

When are the Coaching Calls?

  • There are 12 Coaching Calls, scheduled to accommodate various time zones: Fridays from 4:00-5:00 PM U.S. Pacific Time and Saturdays from 9:00-10:00 AM U.S. Pacific Time, on these dates:
    • Fridays: January 28, February 4, 11 & 25, March 4 & 11
    • Saturdays: January 29, February 5, 12 & 26, March 5 & 12
    • [No calls February 18 or 19]

Are the Coaching Calls recorded and how can I access the recordings?

  • All the Coaching Calls will be recorded and available within 48 hours of each call. You’ll receive an email notification whenever a call recording has been uploaded to your course learning portal.

What if I can't attend a Coaching Call?

  • You can send in your question and have it answered on the Coaching Call and you will have the recordings, so you can listen and learn at a time that’s convenient to you. 

How long will I have access to the course content?

  • You will have access to all the course content for one year. The PDFs, including the video transcripts, are all downloadable for your personal use.

What if I'm busy and can't participate over the next few weeks, or can't attend one or all of the Coaching Calls? Will the course still be helpful to me?

  • Yes. I've designed the course so that you can successfully self-study. And hearing other parents' questions on the Coaching Call recordings will help to solidify what you're learning because all toddler parents experience similar challenges.

I’m a professional caregiver. Will the course be helpful to me in my work?

  • Yes. The approach I teach, that encourages peaceful, cooperative behavior, is helpful to anyone who lives or works with toddlers.

Do you offer refunds?

  • Yes. Once the course begins, you have 10 days to see if the Peaceful Toddler Course is right for you. If you find that it is not, I’ll gladly refund your money. No questions asked.

Consider this…
Building a deeper connection with your toddler in the early years lays a solid foundation for a life-long relationship that is warm, communicative and joyful.

A new pair of cozy pajamas, a must-have toy or a beautiful picture book may be lovely, yet it’s the relationship with your toddler that holds the most value.

This is why the Peaceful Toddler Course is invaluable.
Register for the Peaceful Toddler Course with one payment of $597 (best value) or 2 payments of $325. And you can register with my 10-day, 100% money back guarantee.

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Once the course begins, you have 10 days to see if the Peaceful Toddler Course is right for you. If you find that it is not, I’ll gladly refund your money. No hassles. No questions asked.

One last thing…
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I love toddlers, I love teaching parents and I’d love to help make your parenting life easier and more fun.

I’ve taught hundreds of parents in the U.S., Europe and Asia and have continued to work on this course… adding to it and refining it over the past several years.

The result is an approach that can be applied successfully with all kinds of children, in all kinds of families, across multiple cultures.

If you’re ready to enjoy greater clarity, confidence and calm, then your next step is to click the button below to register and reserve your space for the Peaceful Toddler Course.
Pay in full - $597
Best Value
I decided to study with Deborah because our family was going through some big changes (new baby, move to a new city) and my relationship with my oldest child was suffering. I didn’t enjoy spending time with him anymore and I couldn’t see how much he was struggling because we were locked in a power struggle. After taking the class, I have learned valuable skills to help shift my relationship with my son. I learned broader concepts as well as practical tips on how to enjoy my time as a parent on a day-to-day level. The most significant change in my relationship with my children is that when I see them struggling with something, I first start to look inward and see if there is something I am doing to contribute to the problem. I manage myself first and sometimes, that is enough. Taking the class helped me contextualize my parenting struggles with a compassionate teacher like Deborah. I started to see my own parenting struggles through a gentler and kinder perspective.
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Yen L.
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Carlisle Solomon. All Rights Reserved.