Build a Deeper Connection with Your Toddler
When you learn this approach, you’ll know how to resolve challenging behavior. Your toddler will feel more peaceful inside, so their behavior will be more peaceful. You’ll build a deeper connection with your toddler, so you can enjoy the precious early years before they’re behind you, and your days will be more fun and care-free.
When I first became a parent, I thought, “How hard can parenting be?,” so I relied solely on my intuition. And that worked really well, until it didn’t. Until there was something, some kind of challenge that I had no idea how to respond to effectively.
And it all started with thinking to myself that I needed to learn more, that I couldn’t continue to rely on my pretty good intuition and seeking answers from books (this was pre-social media!). After all, people take classes to learn how to drive a car. So, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take a class or two to learn how to parent, to make parenting easier and more enjoyable?
Sibling struggles
Tears and tantrums
Big (irrational) feelings
Demanding behavior
Impulsive behavior
Uncooperative behavior
Getting up from table at mealtime
Bedtime struggles
Throwing what shouldn't be thrown
When does the course begin?
What if I can't attend a Coaching Call?