The Peaceful Baby Course | Deborah Carlisle Solomon
Eliminate Confusion and Worry...
Discover How to Respond to Your Baby with Confidence and Calm
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Discover How to Respond to Your Baby with Confidence and Calm
What if there was an approach that would ease your baby's upsets and irritability, and make it easier for them to play independently for a few minutes, so you could take a shower or make a call? What if you had an approach that would eliminate your parenting confusion and doubt, so that instead of trying one tactic after another, you'd know how to respond to your baby when they cry inconsolably, wiggle on the changing table or wail when you walk out of the room. What if you had an approach that could make parenting easier, so you'd have energy and time just for you at the end of the day? Would you want to learn this approach?

I've taught this approach to hundreds of parents all over the world and I can teach YOU.

Featured in:
Hi, I’m Deborah Carlisle Solomon, author of “Baby Knows Best: Raising a Confident and Resourceful Child, the RIE® Way,” and former RIE Executive Director.

I've been teaching parents of babies and toddlers (children age 0-3) since 2002.

There's a lot of good advice out there, but advice alone is not enough.

You need an approach you can rely on. An approach that provides you with a simple framework to follow, so you can nurture and care for your baby with confidence. 

I will teach you how in the Peaceful Baby course.

Build a Deeper Connection with Your Baby

When you know this approach, you won't be undone when your baby cries, you'll know how to ease your baby's upsets and establish good habits now, so you're not  playing catch up when your baby starts walking... and so the toddler years will be terrific instead of "terrible."

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When I first became a parent, I figured I could rely on my intuition, but a lot of times, I wasn't sure what to do. Now, I’m in a very different place because I studied with wonderful teachers and experts, and I learned a lot.

And it all started when I realized that I needed to learn about babies. I’d learned how to ride a bike, how to drive a car and a whole lot of other things, so it was kind of silly of me to think that I could rely on my intuition and that would be enough. None of us know what we don’t know, and when I learned this approach, I remember thinking, “Wow, there is so much I didn’t know… so much that would have made things a lot easier if I’d known it earlier.”

This Approach Can Help Your Family Too
You may be thinking, “What could you teach me about babies that would be that helpful? Babies are babies!" And the answer is, a lot! I’ve worked with hundreds of families on four continents, in very different cultures. And the thing is, that while each baby is wonderfully unique and each family is too, we’re all human beings and as human beings, there are common truths we all share.
There are easy-to-understand and easy-to-practice ideas that can transform big upsets to calm and peacefulness... that can put an end to feeding concerns and struggles, so baby and parent can enjoy that time together.

What I teach can bring greater understanding and peacefulness to any family and it can do the same for yours.
There are easy-to-understand and easy-to-practice ideas that can transform big upsets to calm and peacefulness... that can put an end to feeding concerns and struggles, so baby and parent can enjoy that time together.

What I teach can bring greater understanding and peacefulness to any family and it can do the same for yours.
When I think about what a profound impact this approach can make, I think of a mom who studied with me who used the words "cold and distant" to describe her own mother and "lonely" to describe her childhood. She was terrified that, even with the best of intentions, she'd repeat her mother's patterns. When her baby was having a hard time and crying really hard, this mom became flooded with fear that she wouldn't respond well and thought, "What if I'm not a good mom?" But she practiced what I taught her and told me she was so grateful because she felt confident and knew she had the tools she needed to care for and nurture her daughter with sensitivity and tenderness. 
3 Online Training Modules
When you join the Peaceful Baby Course, you get 3 recorded training modules where I teach and where you’ll see videos from my parent and baby classes. You’ll also get worksheets to help you practice, so you can establish solid habits.

Each module is broken down into shorter "chapters" where you will learn:

  • key habits to reduce upsets and create peacefulness and calm, to help your baby feel secure and so they'll be easier to care for
  • how to support your baby's gross motor development, so they can learn to move with confidence and grace
  • how to connect with your baby during caregiving activities, like feeding and bath time, and why connecting is essential to your baby's emotional well-being and growing sense of self
  • how to begin setting limits now, so it will be a lot easier when your child is a toddler 
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You will have access to the videos and worksheets for a year, so after the course is over, you can go back over the material at your leisure. The ability to take your time to review what’s most important to you is significant because it will help you to solidify what you’re learning… and that, I think, is priceless because it’s how you create long-lasting habits.

Do You Struggle to Figure Out How to Apply Parenting Concepts with Your Baby?
Each week, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions to me and I will answer them in a video that will be uploaded to the learning portal each Saturday.

Sometimes, all it takes is one little adjustment to bring positive results. Even if you don’t have a question of your own, you’ll learn from listening to other parents’ questions, and you’ll hear how other parents have similar struggles.

The bottom line is that I’m going to cover a lot of ground over three weeks and you’re going to have concrete tools – not just theory – so that you’ll know how to confidently care for your baby and respond to challenges that arise... because understanding something theoretically isn’t enough. You have to learn how to put theory into practice. And you have to learn what’s most important to give your attention to, how to connect the dots.

My goal is to take you right into action, into practice. So, I'll give you simple practice each week, designed to help you internalize what you’re learning, so you can feel confident in your parenting.  
Course details…
The course modules are constructed with your parenting life in mind, so you can avoid overwhelm, build on what you're learning and enjoy benefits straight away.

The Peaceful Baby course has three training modules, which include…
Module 1
Taking Care of Your Baby and Yourself: Key habits to establish now and why they matter
Learn how to create a greater sense of peacefulness for your baby, so you can avoid unnecessary tears and upsets 
Discover how to connect with your baby and what to do when you don't understand what they need
Find out why giving time for transitions and giving full attention are so essential to your baby, and how you can provide both, even when you're a busy parent
Module 2
Freedom to Move and Play: How to provide it and why it's so important for your baby
Discover how natural gross motor development provides your baby with opportunities to learn to move with confidence and grace, and to develop judgment and self-reliance abilities
Learn how to provide a peaceful playtime environment and experience for your baby
Discover how to start setting set limits now, when your child is a baby
Module 3
Connect Through Caregiving: How you care is how you demonstrate your love
Discover the simple nuances of bathing, diapering and dressing that will make caregiving more relaxing for your baby, and easier and more enjoyable for you 
Find out how to establish routines now, so you can avoid unnecessary challenges when your baby is a toddler
Learn ways to connect with your baby during caregiving activities 
Module 1
Taking Care of Your Baby and Yourself: Key habits to establish now and why they matter
Learn three simple steps that will create a sense of peacefulness for your baby, so you can avoid unnecessary tears and upsets 
Discover how to connect with your baby and what to do when you don't understand what they need
Find out why giving time for transitions and giving full attention are so essential to your baby, and how you can provide both, even when you're a busy parent
Module 2
Freedom to Move and Play: How to provide it and why it's so important for your baby
Discover how natural gross motor development provides your baby with opportunities to learn to move with confidence and grace, and to develop judgment and self-reliance abilities
Learn how to provide a peaceful playtime environment and experience for your baby
Discover how to start setting limits now, when your child is a baby
Module 3
Connect Through Caregiving: How you care is how you demonstrate your love
Discover the simple nuances of bathing, diapering and dressing that will make caregiving more relaxing for your baby, and easier and more enjoyable for you 
Find out how to establish routines now, so you can avoid unnecessary challenges when your baby is a toddler
Learn ways to connect with your baby during caregiving activities 
Plus, These Special Bonuses to
Make Your Parenting Life Easier

Bonus #1
Finding a Nanny
or Caregiver
The process of finding a nanny or caregiver is often fraught with worry. After all, what's more important than finding someone to entrust your baby to? Where do you begin and what questions can you ask to learn about the person's experience and expertise, and whether or not they're in alignment with you and your family? How do you find someone who's "a fit" for your family? That's what you will learn in this guide. 
Bonus #2
Childproofing Resource Guide
A lot of parents become so overwhelmed by all the products out there that they put off babyproofing until their baby begins to crawl, and then it's a mad dash to make their home safe. When your home is babyproofed, you don't have to hover. Instead, you can relax and trust that your baby is safe. The Childproofing Resource Guide will give you ideas about what you may need and provides links to gates, cupboard and door locks, doorknob covers, furniture straps and more. 
Establish Good Habits Now, so the Toddler Years Can be a Breeze
The Peaceful Baby Course will help you to establish good habits now, so the toddler and teen years can be much, much easier. Learn now and reap the benefits well beyond your child’s first year.
Hear from my students…
I'd read about the RIE Approach, but never felt like I really understood what it looks like in real life. Watching the course videos was so impactful and my parenting life is SO MUCH easier now! I don't feel so stressed anymore and feel a lot more joy and confidence. Thank you!
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J. Thompson
Dallas, Texas 
It’s amazing how I feel more confident, more peaceful and more hopeful. I got a real paradigm shift, a real mindset shift, a real change of vision of what respectful parenting could be. Now I get to carry that around with me as I come to each day, problem-solving the challenges or the sweet moments that day brings. Studying with Deborah transformed my relationship with my baby.   
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B. Lipscomb
New York, New York
I'd read about the RIE Approach, but never felt like I really understood what it looks like in real life. Watching the course videos was so impactful and my parenting life is SO MUCH easier now! I don't feel so stressed anymore and feel a lot more joy and confidence. Thank you!
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J. Thompson
Dallas, Texas 
It’s amazing how I feel more confident, more peaceful and more hopeful. I got a real paradigm shift, a real mindset shift, a real change of vision of what respectful parenting could be. Now I get to carry that around with me as I come to each day, problem-solving the challenges or the sweet moments that day brings. Studying with Deborah transformed my relationship with my baby.   
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B. Lipscomb
New York, New York
What I learned from Deborah profoundly impacted my parenting and it went far beyond all my expectations. I gained an immeasurable amount learning from Deborah's vast breadth of knowledge, immense experience, and thoughtful insights. 
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I. Greenwald
Tel Aviv, Israel
Deborah showed us the way to a harmonious relationship with our children. We feel so blessed and she has forever positively deepened our relationship with our children
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K. Kleveland
Los Angeles, California
What I learned from Deborah profoundly impacted my parenting and it went far beyond all my expectations. I gained an immeasurable amount learning from Deborah's vast breadth of knowledge, immense experience, and thoughtful insights. 
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I. Greenwald
Tel Aviv, Israel
Deborah showed us the way to a harmonious relationship with our children. We feel so blessed and she has forever positively deepened our relationship with our children
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K. Kleveland
Los Angeles, California
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an online course?
It's a course that you access via the internet which includes recorded videos and PDFs, with brief practice suggestions to help solidify what you're learning.

Can I really learn this online?
Yes, you can absolutely learn this online. 

When can I start the course?
Right away! You will have access to Module 1 as soon as you register. Module 2 will be available a week from Monday, and Module 3 will be available the Monday after that.

How much time is required to take the course?
I designed the course to teach you what you need to know in as succinct a way as possible, so you don't have to wade through hours of videos and written content. Each module is broken down into several short videos and it takes less than an hour to watch all the videos in each module. You can watch and learn when you have time.

What if I have questions about the module?
You will have the opportunity to send me your questions each week and I will make a video to answer them that will be uploaded each Saturday.

What if I'm busy and can't start the course right away? Will the course still be helpful to me?
Yes, I've designed the course so you can successfully self-study. Hearing other parents' questions on the Q&A videos will also help you to solidify what you're learning because all parents of babies have similar challenges.

How long will I have access to the course content?
You will have access to all the course content for one year.

Can I take the course if I live outside the U.S.?
Yes, as long as you have access to the internet, you can access the course.

How do I know if the Peaceful Baby Course is right for me?
The course is right for parents, grandparents, nannies, babysitters, professional caregivers... anyone who lives with or cares for a baby and wants to establish habits that encourage peacefulness and cooperation.

Do you offer refunds?
Yes. Once you register, you have 5 days to see if the Peaceful Baby Course is right for you. If you find that it is not, I will gladly refund your money. No questions asked.

Satisfaction Guarantee
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Once you register for the Peaceful Baby course, you have 5 days to see if the course is right for you. If you find that it is not, I’ll gladly refund your money. No hassles. No questions asked.
Satisfaction Guarantee
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Once you register for the Peaceful Baby course, you have 5 days to see if the course is right for you. If you find that it is not, I’ll gladly refund your money. No hassles. No questions asked.
Yes, I want to register for the Peaceful Baby Course!
Just $197
Copyright © 2024 Deborah Carlisle Solomon. All Rights Reserved.
